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Ventura Lawyer Robert M. Baskin Robert M. Baskin The Law Office of Ventura County Personal Injury, Family Law,  Estate Planning & Probate Attorneys
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The Law Office of ROBERT M. BASKIN  1849 Knoll Drive Ventura, CA 93003  Phone: (805) 658-1000 Fax: (805) 658-8034  terri@baskinlawoffice.com
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"Voted Best Attorneys in Ventura County by clients and peers

 in the Ventura County Business Digest Publication"

Ventura Spousal Support and Alimony Lawyer

The Ventura Law Office of Spousal Support Attorney Robert M. Baskin has been vigorously representing clients in spousal support cases in and around Ventura since 1975. Our knowledgeable spousal support lawyers have extensive experience helping clients resolve spousal support disputes.

Whether you have been married for 5 years or 25 years, if you are getting divorced and spousal support is an issue in your case, contact a skilled Ventura Spousal Support Lawyer by calling (805) 658-1000 today to schedule your complimentary, in office consultation.

Alimony and Spousal Support Attorney in Ventura

Spousal support, also called alimony, is based on the need of one spouse to be supported and the ability of the other spouse to pay. It differs from child support in that it is not automatically granted. Absent a spousal support provision in a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement, when a couple divorces, the Family Law Judge has the discretion to award spousal support by examining numerous factors as set forth in California’s Family Law Code Section 4320, including:

Ventura Spousal Support Support Attorney

Any history of domestic violence and who perpetrated the domestic violence

Each spouse’s earning capacity

Each spouse’s level of education

How long the parties were married

How much one spouse contributed to the other’s education

Marketable skills of the supported spouse

The ability of the supported spouse to secure gainful employment

The age of the parties

The financial needs and obligations of each party

The health of the parties

Sources of income available to each party

The standard of living during the course of the marriage

Temporary spousal support may be awarded for short term marriages of less than 10 years. However, as stated above, it is discretionary. The Court may either deny a request for spousal support outright, or may award spousal support for a time period equal to or less than the duration of the marriage. With respect to short term marriages, it is not uncommon for the Court to issue support for a duration equal to one half the length of the marriage. Temporary spousal support is typically meant to allow the supported spouse to seek employment and financial stability when a marriage ends.

Permanent spousal support is generally ordered for long term marriages that lasted 10 years or more. If a permanent order for spousal support is issued, the obligor (paying spouse) is required to pay spousal support until the supported party either remarries or dies.

Spousal support may be modified if either party can demonstrate a change of circumstances warranting an increase or decrease in support. A change in circumstances that may be sufficient to modify alimony includes:

An increase in pay of either party

A decrease in pay of either party



Involuntary Loss of Employment


Because spousal support is completely discretionary and the amount awarded is not based on any statutory formula, it is imperative that you retain an experienced lawyer if alimony is going to become an issue of contention during your divorce proceedings.

Our Ventura Spousal Support Attorneys have more than 40 years’ experience representing clients in spousal support hearings. We understand the complex factors that the Courts take into consideration when making a determination as to whether or not to grant spousal support, and know how best to preserve and protect your rights.

Contact a Skilled Spousal Support Lawyer in Ventura for a Free Consultation Today!

Please contact the Ventura Law Office of Spousal Support Attorney Robert M. Baskin to obtain experienced, skilled representation in your alimony matter. We represent clients in all facets of spousal support cases, including initial determination of spousal support, spousal support modifications, and spousal support enforcement cases.  

Contact us at (805) 658-1000 to make an appointment for your free, comprehensive in office consultation. The Law Office of Robert M. Baskin is conveniently located in Ventura and represents clients located in the surrounding communities.   

Spousal Support