Experienced Employment Attorneys in Ventura
A full-service Employment Law Firm, the Ventura Law Office of Robert M. Baskin represents clients in a wide variety of complex employment law cases, including (but not limited to) the following:
Disabilities & Accommodations Violations – Under the ADA (American’s with Disabilities Act) and the FEHA (Fair Employment Housing Act), employers are prohibited from discriminating against employees or potential employees on the basis of mental or physical disability. Discriminatory conduct is that which is based on the individual’s disability, and includes but is not limited to:
Refusal to Hire
Refusal to Promote
Terminating Employment
Refusal to Provide Employee Benefits
Additionally, employers are required to make reasonable accommodations for disabled employees as long the accommodation does not create an undue hardship. Reasonable accommodations are those which allow the employee to perform their job duties, while simultaneously receiving the proper medical care necessary based on their disability.
Employment Disputes – Ventura Employment Law Attorneys at the Law Office of Robert M. Baskin provide experienced representation to both employees and employers in all employment disputes, including those arising as the result of:
Employee Misclassification
Employment Contract Disputes
Employment Discrimination
Family Medical Leave Disputes
Independent Contractor Misclassification
Meal & Rest Break Violations
Non-Competition Clauses
Retaliatory Conduct
Severance Agreements
Sexual Harassment
Trade Secret Violations
Wage & Overtime Disputes
Whistleblower Issues
Whistleblower Violations
Wrongful Termination
Our Ventura Employment Lawyers are seasoned negotiators who will make every reasonable effort to settle your matter out of court. However, if the parties are unable to agree to the terms and conditions of a proposed settlement, we possess the knowledge and experience necessary to litigate your case.
Call (805) 658-1000 to make an appointment for a free initial consultation. The Law Office of Robert M. Baskin has been representing employment law clients in and around Ventura since 1975.
Medical & Family Leave Violations – Under State and Federal Law, those who have more than 50 employees on the payroll must allow all qualifying employees to take Family or Medical Leave. Qualifying employees include those who have worked a minimum of 1,250 hours in the last year, and for whom any of the following situations has arisen:
The employee or the employee’s spouse, child or parent has been diagnosed with a medical condition serious illness that requires ongoing inpatient or outpatient treatment;
The employee or employee’s spouse or significant other has given birth to a child;
The employee has adopted a child.
Qualifying employees must be allowed to take 12 weeks of Family or Medical Leave time per year. Under California’s Pregnancy Disability Leave laws, additional leave time must be granted for women who have been diagnosed with high risk pregnancies or medical complications resulting from delivery.
The laws that govern medical and family leave require employers to maintain an employee’s seniority within the company, as well as all benefits to which they are entitled, when they exercise their right to leave. Employees must provide their employers with documentation from a doctor setting forth the medical condition prompting the leave request, as well the expected duration of their leave from work.
Hostile Workplace Environment – If you are an employee who has been working in a hostile environment and been subjected to repeated, long-term harassment, or if you are an employer who is being accused of fostering or allowing a hostile work environment to develop, Ventura Employment Attorneys at the Law Office of Robert M. Baskin possess the knowledge and skill you need.
Aggressively representing employers and employees in employment disputes for more than 40 years, we will meet with you at no charge and give you an honest assessment of the case that you are contemplating bringing, or the case that has been filed against you.
When employers are put on notice that an employee is being subjected to ongoing hostility, retaliation, harassment or discrimination, they have an affirmative duty to take measures to stop the prohibited conduct. This may include implementing employee education workshops and taking direct action against the offenders. Failure to do so could result in the employer being held financially liable for the harms suffered by their employees.
The Law Office of Ventura Employment Lawyer Robert M. Baskin not only fights to ensure that the rights of employees aren’t being violated, but also provides representation to employers who are facing litigation. We proudly represent clients in Ventura and throughout the surrounding area.
Sexual Harassment – Sexual Harassment is a form of discrimination, and is treated seriously by the Courts. The vast majority of sexual harassment victims fear reporting sexual harassment, due to the fear of either not being believed by their direct managers, or losing their job if the alleged aggressor is the employee’s manager or director.
Sexual Harassment is broadly defined under the law, and includes (but is not limited to) the following conduct:
Making demands for Sexual Favors
Inappropriate Physical Contact
Threatening to tell other employees that the perpetrator has engaged in sexual activities with the victim unless the victim gives into demands for sexual favors
Threatening to demote, fire, or reduce benefits for failing to comply with the perpetrator’s demands for sexual favors
Making sexual gestures towards the victim
Sexually leering at the victim
Making unwanted sexual advances
Inquiries and comments of a sexual nature, including making comments (derogatory or not) about another’s physical appearance, body, sexuality, sexual attributes, sexual activities, virginity
Spreading rumors about a co-worker’s sexual activities or sexuality
Disseminating material of a sexual nature, including sexual jokes, photographs, drawings, and cartoons
Sexually assaulting a co-worker
Failing to promote or give a raise to an employee for refusing to engage in sexual conduct
If you have cause to believe that you have been sexually harassed at the workplace, or if you are an employer facing litigation based on an employee’s allegation of sexual harassment, contact Ventura Employment Law Attorneys from the Law Office of Robert Baskin at (805) 658-1000 to schedule a free, confidential consultation with one of the area’s leading Employment Law Firms.
We have been providing zealous representation on behalf of plaintiff employees and defendant employers in and around the region for nearly 40 years.
Trade Secrets Disputes – The Uniform Trade Secrets Act (UTSA) governs the misappropriation of trade secrets. Under the UTSA, using, disclosing or inappropriately acquiring trade secrets is strictly prohibited. If a current or former employee is found to be in violation of the UTSA, they may be held liable for all damages resulting from the breach of confidentiality, and may also be required by the Court to pay the employer royalties as well as attorney’s fees.
Whistleblower Laws - Whistleblower Laws provide protection for workers from retaliatory or adverse employment action by their employer because the employee has exercised a legal right. Protected activities include:
Reporting OSHA violations
Reporting illegal conduct
Testifying against an employer in any legal proceeding
Testifying against an employer in any judicial proceeding
Filing for Workers Compensation benefits
If an employee is successful in a whistleblower action against their current or former employee, they may be entitled to recover monetary compensation for lost wages & benefits, as well as punitive damages. Reasonable attorney fees may also be awarded to a successful plaintiff employee.
Workplace Discrimination – Ventura Employment Lawyers at the Law Office of Robert M. Baskin represent both employers and employees in workplace discrimination matters. Numerous state and federal laws provide protection for employees against discriminatory conduct, including discrimination that is based on any of the following:
Employees Age 40+
Mental Disability
National Origin
Physical Disability
Religious Practices
Sexual Harassment
Sexual Orientation
Examples of discriminatory conduct include the refusal to hire, reducing compensation, cutting or denying benefits, harassment, verbal or physical abuse, failure to promote, demotion in position, and firing.
Wrongful Termination - Although most employer / employee relationships are deemed “at-will” (either party can terminate employment at any time for lawful reasons), employers are legally prohibited from firing an employee for asserting their legal rights. In California, wrongful termination may include terminating an employee for:
Asserting a legal right
Refusing to engage in illegal activity at the employer’s behest
Filing a complaint with management about unlawful company policies or practices
Reporting sexual harassment
Requesting Maternity, Family or Medical Leave
Requesting that the employer make reasonable accommodations for disabled employees
If an employee is terminated as a result of filing a complaint against their employer, testifying in legal proceedings, filing a workers’ compensation claim, or reporting the employer to the government for any legally prohibited actions or safety violations, under California Law the employer may be held liable for wrongful termination.
Contact a Ventura Employment Law Lawyer Today
If you are an employer or an employee who is involved in an employment law dispute, please contact Ventura Employment Attorneys at the Law Office of Robert M. Baskin today at (805) 658-1000 to schedule a complimentary in-office consultation with one of our skilled and knowledgeable employment lawyers. Conveniently located in Ventura, we have been proudly representing clients throughout the region since 1975.